Wicked Problems
Wicked problems are ever present in the education world. Dealing with large problems with unclear solutions can be a frustrating thing, but these problems also open the doors to great opportunities; opportunities to come up with novel solutions, and opportunities to learn about complex issues and the challenges they present us. During the course of CEP812, my team decided to focus on the wicked problem of “Re-Thinking Teaching in the 21st Century”. As educators, this problem is one that has challenged us throughout our careers, and I’m sure will continue to do so long into the future.
We started tackling this problem by questioning some of the common practices in our education system:
Then, we narrowed our focus, zeroing in on topics that peeked our interest most:
We then looked outside the group for more information. Each group member surveyed their PLN (Personal Learning Network), and then brought back our data for the group to review. The summary of my findings can be seen in the Prezi below:
After reviewing the data from our PLN surveys, we found that there were many concerns among our colleagues with current assessment practices in education. We decided to make this the focus of our final project. Each group member set out to research what effective assessments could look like in the 21st century. We then compiled and synthesized the information we found, and created a website to share our solutions to the wicked problem of assessing students in the 21st century. If you’re interested in learning more about our problem and our solutions, please visit the following url: http://steve4973.wixsite.com/rethinkingteaching